Find me here, speak to me
I want to feel You, I need to hear You
You are the light that's leading me
To the place where I find peace again
You are the strength that keeps me walking
You are the hope that keeps me trusting
You are the light to my soul
You are my purpose
You're everything
How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
You calm the storms, and You give me rest
You hold me in Your hands, You won't let me fall
You steal my heart, and You take my breath away
Would You take me in? Take me deeper now?
How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
Cuz You're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want You're all I need
You're everything, everything
You're all I want You're all I need,
You're everything, everything
And how can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
Would You tell me how could it be any better than this?
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Taking Some Time...
Well, we officially have internet at my house, but my router is not working so I'm not able to have internet on my laptop quite yet, boo! =( Shayani was gracious enough to allow the MTS guys to set up the internet on her laptop, since Debby's computer wouldn't have worked cuz it's an older one... so we've been sharing Shayani's computer... thank you my friend!
Right now actually I'm at the Brenton's babysitting the kiddies... got to sleep in til 8 this morning, woo! =) Last time I was here they were both up at 7, and it was go go go all day til Kim (the mom) got home... Well actually I kinda took a break about 2, the girls were upstairs playing in the living room and I sat in the kitchen where I could still keep an eye on them but could sit down and relax for a little bit... Today I was hoping to take them to the park or something, but it's so chilly out today! If I can find their jackets and stuff then maybe I'll still take them out for a bit, but not too long... It's supposed to be sunny and 13 today, but right now the wind is pretty chilly, so we'll just have to see...
I'm actually really excited for autumn! =) Autumn is my favourite season, I love the colours, the smells, and when it's warm enough for a sweater but chilly enough to make your cheeks rosy... =) Lol I read my friends' Facebook statuses when they complain how summer's over and it's getting cold, but I'm loving it! True it kinda sucks on days like today when I wanna take the kids to the park, but I truly love the weather =)
Hmmm let's see, what else to update on? Oh, my birthday! The party was SOOOOO fun!!!!! =D all except for the creepy drunk guys LOL! There was the Australian guy who was so drunk that he asked me four times if it was my birthday and, "if it wasn't too intrusive," how old I was... Seriously, FOUR TIMES he asked me the exact same thing! Ugh... Then there was that other creepy guy who wanted me to play doubles at pool with him and his buddies, with him of course as my partner... And I really didn't want to, there was just something about him that creeped me out... Then there was that other guy that Betty ended up chatting with... Chatting being the understatement of the night LOL!!! He first just started hanging around the booth where I was with the Smitty's crew, then I went over to the other booth where Kristy and her friends were, and he kept following me, creeper... Then Kristy's friend bought a round of shooters (china whites, pretty good actually!), and when I was over by the Smitty's crew booth I said I was going to have a shot, and the creeper guy was like, "oh how about 4 more? ;)" and I was like, " *walked away*" hahaha it was really funny looking back at it now... But Dennis was right there and looked out for me, he said he'd protect me lol... yay! I really was fine, I felt no danger, just creepiness, which I can handle... Plus with a bunch of my friends there, I was doing well =)
Oh my gosh so then afterwards when Betty was shooting pool by herself (practicing I suppose lol) the creeper guy went over to chat with her, and she was totally flirting with him, it was sooooo funny hahaha I laughed so hard!!! But it was getting close to closing time, so I called a cab, which never came!!! Ugh! Lol when I called, they were like, "yeah, there's already one on its way..." and I was like, "No, I need another one" cuz the first one was Debbie's... But it never came! Then Dennis called his cab, and it came, so we (Dennis, Betty, and I) all just piled in this cab, and went home. Betty stayed at my place for the night, which was really cool cuz when we got there Shayani was still awake so we showed Betty the house and then we chatted for a while, it was really cool =)
So now I'm 22 haha... Doesn't feel much different than being 21... Oh yeah! Then Sunday night I stopped at my mom's before work for a few minutes, and she had gotten me a laundry hamper, which is totally awesome cuz I needed a new one... =) And also $50 for shopping, but I'm only allowed to use the money if I'm with either her or Granny, so she took the cheque back to hold on to so I don't use it on anything else... Isn't that nice? She doesn't trust me... Ugh... Anyways, after work, I stopped by to pick up my hamper, and Granny was there and my mom had a DQ cake, which was really cool! That's always been a tradition in my house, she buys me a DQ cake every year for my birthday and Granny will come over and we'll have cake! =)
But since then (well really, since Sunday morning), I've been going going going non stop... Sunday morning I slept in and was late for church (but Debbie came to my rescue and picked me up and even had Timmy's!), then did Jr Church with 12 kids, then headed to Mom's, then work, then cake, then had to rush home cuz I went to Kristen's for the night cuz I babysat Josh all day yesterday... Lucky for me though he's the easiest kid to babysit EVER! He usually spends his day playing video games and sometimes watches TV... So I at least got to have a day of relaxation, which was nice =) Then from Kristen's I stopped at home for 5 minutes to pick up some stuff I had forgotten the night before, then off to work, then straight to the Brenton's for the night, and this morning I'm watching the girls! Kim does have a dentist appointment after work, but she said she might reschedule it, she's gonna call me about that...
So after I'm done here I get to go home, I'm so excited!!! I haven't really hung out with my roomies since Friday night, and I miss them a lot! I woke up this morning to find an email from Christina, just a short note to tell me she misses me and wants me to come home soon LOL it pretty much made my day =)
Well, it's 9:30, PL is finally up and asking for breakfast, so I'm gonna head upstairs and feed us all... Until next time my friends! =)
Right now actually I'm at the Brenton's babysitting the kiddies... got to sleep in til 8 this morning, woo! =) Last time I was here they were both up at 7, and it was go go go all day til Kim (the mom) got home... Well actually I kinda took a break about 2, the girls were upstairs playing in the living room and I sat in the kitchen where I could still keep an eye on them but could sit down and relax for a little bit... Today I was hoping to take them to the park or something, but it's so chilly out today! If I can find their jackets and stuff then maybe I'll still take them out for a bit, but not too long... It's supposed to be sunny and 13 today, but right now the wind is pretty chilly, so we'll just have to see...
I'm actually really excited for autumn! =) Autumn is my favourite season, I love the colours, the smells, and when it's warm enough for a sweater but chilly enough to make your cheeks rosy... =) Lol I read my friends' Facebook statuses when they complain how summer's over and it's getting cold, but I'm loving it! True it kinda sucks on days like today when I wanna take the kids to the park, but I truly love the weather =)
Hmmm let's see, what else to update on? Oh, my birthday! The party was SOOOOO fun!!!!! =D all except for the creepy drunk guys LOL! There was the Australian guy who was so drunk that he asked me four times if it was my birthday and, "if it wasn't too intrusive," how old I was... Seriously, FOUR TIMES he asked me the exact same thing! Ugh... Then there was that other creepy guy who wanted me to play doubles at pool with him and his buddies, with him of course as my partner... And I really didn't want to, there was just something about him that creeped me out... Then there was that other guy that Betty ended up chatting with... Chatting being the understatement of the night LOL!!! He first just started hanging around the booth where I was with the Smitty's crew, then I went over to the other booth where Kristy and her friends were, and he kept following me, creeper... Then Kristy's friend bought a round of shooters (china whites, pretty good actually!), and when I was over by the Smitty's crew booth I said I was going to have a shot, and the creeper guy was like, "oh how about 4 more? ;)" and I was like, " *walked away*" hahaha it was really funny looking back at it now... But Dennis was right there and looked out for me, he said he'd protect me lol... yay! I really was fine, I felt no danger, just creepiness, which I can handle... Plus with a bunch of my friends there, I was doing well =)
Oh my gosh so then afterwards when Betty was shooting pool by herself (practicing I suppose lol) the creeper guy went over to chat with her, and she was totally flirting with him, it was sooooo funny hahaha I laughed so hard!!! But it was getting close to closing time, so I called a cab, which never came!!! Ugh! Lol when I called, they were like, "yeah, there's already one on its way..." and I was like, "No, I need another one" cuz the first one was Debbie's... But it never came! Then Dennis called his cab, and it came, so we (Dennis, Betty, and I) all just piled in this cab, and went home. Betty stayed at my place for the night, which was really cool cuz when we got there Shayani was still awake so we showed Betty the house and then we chatted for a while, it was really cool =)
So now I'm 22 haha... Doesn't feel much different than being 21... Oh yeah! Then Sunday night I stopped at my mom's before work for a few minutes, and she had gotten me a laundry hamper, which is totally awesome cuz I needed a new one... =) And also $50 for shopping, but I'm only allowed to use the money if I'm with either her or Granny, so she took the cheque back to hold on to so I don't use it on anything else... Isn't that nice? She doesn't trust me... Ugh... Anyways, after work, I stopped by to pick up my hamper, and Granny was there and my mom had a DQ cake, which was really cool! That's always been a tradition in my house, she buys me a DQ cake every year for my birthday and Granny will come over and we'll have cake! =)
But since then (well really, since Sunday morning), I've been going going going non stop... Sunday morning I slept in and was late for church (but Debbie came to my rescue and picked me up and even had Timmy's!), then did Jr Church with 12 kids, then headed to Mom's, then work, then cake, then had to rush home cuz I went to Kristen's for the night cuz I babysat Josh all day yesterday... Lucky for me though he's the easiest kid to babysit EVER! He usually spends his day playing video games and sometimes watches TV... So I at least got to have a day of relaxation, which was nice =) Then from Kristen's I stopped at home for 5 minutes to pick up some stuff I had forgotten the night before, then off to work, then straight to the Brenton's for the night, and this morning I'm watching the girls! Kim does have a dentist appointment after work, but she said she might reschedule it, she's gonna call me about that...
So after I'm done here I get to go home, I'm so excited!!! I haven't really hung out with my roomies since Friday night, and I miss them a lot! I woke up this morning to find an email from Christina, just a short note to tell me she misses me and wants me to come home soon LOL it pretty much made my day =)
Well, it's 9:30, PL is finally up and asking for breakfast, so I'm gonna head upstairs and feed us all... Until next time my friends! =)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Eleven Days!
As if it's been over three weeks since my last update... yeesh, sorry to my faithful readers! I will be getting internet on the 22nd, so I do promise to update more often!
Wow, lots of stuff to update on too, lots has been going on, and yet really not much haha... We did get rid of all the mice in our house... I had found one dead in a trap in the pantry a couple weeks ago, and since then we haven't seen any... Although last night Christina told me she found some droppings, but we're not sure if they're fresh or not... but no sightings of actual mice yet, so we're hoping they're old!
I've been getting along really well with my roomies, awww I love them so much =) It's been interesting seeing the relationships grow... between me and the other girls, and even between the other girls... We're learning a lot about each other, sharing our stories, figuring out how to live together as a community... I'm loving it so far! Of course there are times when one of them will get on my nerves (not one specifially, just someone in general...), but it happens, I still love them =)
MFC has been over for a few weeks to now, aww I miss those kids... =( So now I'm still working at Smitty's, and also doing in-Sunday child care at CFOT. Yesterday was my first day, it went fairly well... It's challenging though, there are some kids who just couldn't settle down and listen, they were running around screaming pretty much the whole time lol... A couple of them didn't even come into the classroom, they stayed out in the big room and did their own thing, which was okay cuz they weren't causing any trouble... It's also challenging with the age differences... The youngest is under 2, and the oldest (that was in the classroom) is like 10? lol I don't even know ages, I'm just guessing... But overall it went well, there were no major incidents, nobody got hurt, and I had enough lesson material stuff planned to take up the whole time, it was awesome! =) There's another in-Sunday this coming Sunday, it's the welcome weekend, so I've been prepping a bit for that...
My birthday is also coming up, 11 more days to be exact! Hence the title of this entry haha... I am having a party, it's gonna be right on my birthday (the 25th) at Players Bar and Grill, gonna go play some pool, have a couple drinks, hang out with my friends, and just have a good time! I'm super looking forward to it!!!! You (yes you!) are totally invited to come too! If you are in Winnipeg on that day you are welcome to come! I did make a Facebook event thing, but had to be really quick in sending the invites out, so I may have missed a person or too... So if you didn't get an invite, THIS IS YOUR INVITE!!!!! =D
Hmmm what else? Not too much actually... Well I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anything off the top of my head lol it'll have to wait until my next update I suppose... =P Adios amigos!
Wow, lots of stuff to update on too, lots has been going on, and yet really not much haha... We did get rid of all the mice in our house... I had found one dead in a trap in the pantry a couple weeks ago, and since then we haven't seen any... Although last night Christina told me she found some droppings, but we're not sure if they're fresh or not... but no sightings of actual mice yet, so we're hoping they're old!
I've been getting along really well with my roomies, awww I love them so much =) It's been interesting seeing the relationships grow... between me and the other girls, and even between the other girls... We're learning a lot about each other, sharing our stories, figuring out how to live together as a community... I'm loving it so far! Of course there are times when one of them will get on my nerves (not one specifially, just someone in general...), but it happens, I still love them =)
MFC has been over for a few weeks to now, aww I miss those kids... =( So now I'm still working at Smitty's, and also doing in-Sunday child care at CFOT. Yesterday was my first day, it went fairly well... It's challenging though, there are some kids who just couldn't settle down and listen, they were running around screaming pretty much the whole time lol... A couple of them didn't even come into the classroom, they stayed out in the big room and did their own thing, which was okay cuz they weren't causing any trouble... It's also challenging with the age differences... The youngest is under 2, and the oldest (that was in the classroom) is like 10? lol I don't even know ages, I'm just guessing... But overall it went well, there were no major incidents, nobody got hurt, and I had enough lesson material stuff planned to take up the whole time, it was awesome! =) There's another in-Sunday this coming Sunday, it's the welcome weekend, so I've been prepping a bit for that...
My birthday is also coming up, 11 more days to be exact! Hence the title of this entry haha... I am having a party, it's gonna be right on my birthday (the 25th) at Players Bar and Grill, gonna go play some pool, have a couple drinks, hang out with my friends, and just have a good time! I'm super looking forward to it!!!! You (yes you!) are totally invited to come too! If you are in Winnipeg on that day you are welcome to come! I did make a Facebook event thing, but had to be really quick in sending the invites out, so I may have missed a person or too... So if you didn't get an invite, THIS IS YOUR INVITE!!!!! =D
Hmmm what else? Not too much actually... Well I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anything off the top of my head lol it'll have to wait until my next update I suppose... =P Adios amigos!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"Jesus Calling" 33 Miles
What do you see when you look at your world today
Is it so full of clutter that you feel like you're going insane
And you can't fight back cause you're just too afraid
And it seems like the clouds in your sky don't wanna change
You see there's always another story, another side to every coin
And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
What do you see when you look at your world today
Do you see a glimmer of hope, or has it all turned to gray
Well start by counting your blessings one by one
Oh and I'm sure right there, you'll start to see the sun
You see there's always another story, another side to every coin
And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
Because the darker the night, the brighter He can shine
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
Is it so full of clutter that you feel like you're going insane
And you can't fight back cause you're just too afraid
And it seems like the clouds in your sky don't wanna change
You see there's always another story, another side to every coin
And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
What do you see when you look at your world today
Do you see a glimmer of hope, or has it all turned to gray
Well start by counting your blessings one by one
Oh and I'm sure right there, you'll start to see the sun
You see there's always another story, another side to every coin
And how you see your circumstance is all about a choice
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
Because the darker the night, the brighter He can shine
When you see the rushing wind, feel the pouring rain
Hear the thunder now as the clouds roll in
You're blinded by the lightning
Do you also hear that still, small voice saying
It's okay you're not alone
You may be scared to death but I won't let you go
You may think the sky above is falling
But can you hear Jesus calling
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