I wanted to talk to my roommates about it tonight, but one is working tonight (overnight), another is on such a God-high right now, and the other was completely exhausted when she got home... And I don't wanna call someone cuz I hate talking on the phone... So I find myself almost isolating myself, when that is the last thing I should be doing...
I knew this would eventually come up again, I thought I had worked through the major issues that have been problems in the past... And yet here I am having to deal with them still... Is there ever an end to this?
I feel so inadequate and unaccomplished... What the heck am I doing with my life? I've missed out on so much, I've passed up so many things... I'm so unmotivated to do anything...
I hate situations like that. And I know what you mean. If you ever want to just send a big long e-mail to get it off your chest, feel free to send me one!! :) Praying for you.