Friday night I ended up going to see Sisters of the Holy Rock with the ladies' group at my church, then we went for Timmy's afterwards.
Saturday I went grocery shopping in the morning with my mom, then cleaned up my place a bit (put stuff away, vacuum, move my futon back, couple loads of laundry) cuz Debby came over to check out my apartment. OH BIG NEWS!!!!!!! Hold tight for a sec though, let me finish my weekend! =D
So then Deb and I headed over to St. B. Hospital to visit a mutual friend who is going through some serious mental health issues and so has voluntarily gone in to get help.
Afterwards, Alicia (not Alisha, I probably won't be writing anything concerning her actually, since we don't have any contact anymore), Navindra, and I went to the Salvation Army Thrift Store that's right by the hospital, and we were actually there until they closed lol! It was fun!!! I ended up getting two pairs of jeans, two pairs of shorts, a brown cardigan, and a little gumball machine for just over $30, sa-weeeeet!!!!! =D
So then after that, I went home, did another load of laundry, then Kayla came over for the night! And we had a hair dying party!!! =D
My first round of bleach
Kayla bleaching her bangs
My first round of bleach done
My second round of bleach
After the red. Didn't take any more in between, cuz it was after 3am and we were both exhausted.
What it looks like dry! =D
So I'm quite happy with the result! =D But it did take until 4am to finish, and we had to be up by 9 to get ready for church, so it was a pretty long day today. But fun!
So today! Took Kayla to Weston, and was pleasantly surprised (to say the least!!!) when Brandy and Steve showed up too!!! =D And it ended up being a potluck lunch day, which I had completely forgotten about (whoops...), so we all stayed for lunch. Then I had band practice (I'm learning euphonium!) so the three took off, Bran gave K a ride home.
Then after church, I had a sushi date, then soup van (which ended up not happening cuz there was no soup prepped). So I caught a bus to head home, and when we got back into the downtown core, there was this lady getting off the bus with me who was asking someone else how to get to Calvary Temple. So I stepped in and offered to walk her there. She asked me if I was going there, which I wasn't, but I had plenty of time and was happy to help her out. So we walked, and she chatted the whole way there, it was awesome! =D She's an 84-year-old woman named Catherine, and she talked to me about her husband, who had just passed away this past November. She said to me when we got to the church that she hasn't been able to talk to anyone about her husband without bawling, and here she was talking to me with not a tear in her eye. We had talked about Jesus, and she was so excited to hear that Jesus and I are great friends lol! What a great lady, it was so awesome being blessed by her! And I'm glad I was able to be a blessing for her too! Jesus, you sneaky sneak!!! =D
So, from Calvary Temple, I ended up walking down Donald to get back to Portage to go home, and I ran into Kayla and Binh!!! They were on their way to SHoP (Sanctuary House of Prayer), and I was wanting to go there too (was actually gonna head to K's house after the no-soup van, but I guess God had stuff set out anyways haha!) SHoP was fun! Though I was sooooo super tired from a long day running on little sleep, so I wasn't really up to worshiping a whole lot... So I did it quietly =)
So then I got home about 9, made some pasta for dinner cuz I was hungry, then sat at the computer to write this and talk with Sherrie for a bit. <3 YOU SHERRIE!!!!!!!!! =D (She's teaching me how to FB stalk people.... =P)
OKAY SO NEWS!!!!!!!! Debby has decided once and for all that she is going to sell her house, and she's hoping to have it sold by June. Which means that Shayani and Kayla need to move out. Shayani has some plans she's working on with Jesus, but Kayla and I are gonna get a 2-bedroom apartment together! We've somewhat prayed about it, talked about it lots, and I'm so super excited!!!!! =D We're kinda looking all over the place, but her one request is that it's only one bus ride to her work. Which leaves us with lots of options! Up Main (18 to work), up Henderson (11 to work), down Portage (11 to work), down Osborne (16 to work), or down Corydon (18 to work). I'm sure there's other options, cuz there's quite a few buses that go by her work. But since we're looking for June, there's not really any posts up on kijiji or anything yet. So we'll start looking in a few weeks. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D
Anyways, that's about all I have for today. It's just after 11:30pm, and I am wiped. So off to bed I go!
PS sorry for the lack of regular updates, life is pretty crazy busy at the moment. But I'm enjoying it for the most part, so it's all good =)
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