Friday, June 12, 2009


Well let's see, shall I update? What to say?

First of all, it's been an odd couple days... I've had a LOT of good news, about the house, MFC, everything is just coming together really well! And yet I'm not as happy as I should be about it... I've been feeling all this stuff coming up in me again... Perhaps it's cuz I've been really tired lately, cuz I know it usually hits me when I'm tired... It kinda sucks...

But I'm recognising that it's coming on, and so I've spent a lot of time in prayer, leaning on the Everlasting Arms... I haven't really talked to anyone about it, cuz honestly I don't have anything to say about it, it's just there... And whenever I do talk to people, they usually just tell me to lean on God, and that they'll pray for me... Don't get me wrong, I love hearing that, it's huge encouragement to me =) But I'm already leaning on God, and I haven't really had a chance to talk about it with my friends...

I was at one of my friend's house last night, but she was dealing with some of her own stuff, and I was more than happy to be there for her to talk about it, especially this afternoon... Today for her, she really needs to deal with her own stuff... And I am praying for her, which really helps to keep my mind off my own stuff for now... =)

But I'm thinking that after I post this, I will message my other friend about it... And I ask you all for prayer too... Believe me, I will be okay =) It's just really kinda annoying and frustrating...

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