Sunday, June 7, 2009


Big news y'all!!! I am officially moving in September into the house I blogged about a while back! =D I finally sat down and talked with my mom, then got in contact with the house owner, and it's all set to go, I am SOOOOOOO excited!!! =D

Though this does cause some conflict in my home now... My mom is not too thrilled that i'm moving into that area (plus there's other personal things she's trying to work through...) which is resulting in us REALLY not getting along lately... I do love her, but things are making it really hard to live with her, and so i'm trying to get in contact with Debby to see if I can move in for August... But she is away so i'm not sure how often she's able to check/respond to emails... But for now, i'm trying to rely on God, cuz I know that it was Him that got all this going, so i'm trying to trust Him... As well as leaning on my awesome supporting friends =)

Speaking of friends, some of them, cadets, specifically the WFCs, it was their last Sunday at Weston... Now I don't wanna get sappy here, but I did have a really great time with them today! =) first, before the service started, I went and hugged Melissa, and we just kinds sat there hugging and she started rocking, and I almost fell asleep in her arms lol! But it was so relaxing and comforting, I haven't felt that in a long long time... It was really nice =)

I also got to get a couple pictures with Melissa and Hannah! =) some on Debi's cam, a couple on my phone... Aww i'm gonna miss them so much!!! But as much as I want them to be here forever, I am super excited for them to get out there to their appointments and to see how God will continue to work through them! =D so to all you WFCs, I pray that you continue to live up to your session name and be true Witnesses for Christ to EVERYONE around you! May God bless you bunches! =D

Moving on to the H2O Challenge, I have yet to actually drink a full 8 8-oz glasses of water, but I have been drinking a lot more than I usually do, so I'd say that is progress! =) yesterday I actually had 5, and today I've had 2 so far... How are you all doing with it? I'd love to hear!

Let's see, what else have I got to update? I think that's about it lol... Oh wait! 20 DAYS LEFT TIL THE WEDDING!!! =D holy smokes I've got a lot to do before then! Last night I really actually started working on the picture slide show, getting a couple baby pics of Georgio ready, getting a bunch of Nat's younger-years pics from Karen, and going through Georgio's facebook pics to see if there's any good ones I could snag... Except my laptop decided last night that it would run super super slow, so I only got about a third of the way through her photo albums... So for now, this week i'm gonna start scanning Karen's pics that I was able to borrow, then wednesday and maybe Thursday if needed I will be at the church to get more facebook pics!

So i'm gonna get started on those scanner pics now... Until next time! =)

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