Today was my last full day here in Red Deer. And that makes me sad :(
But, today was a good day :) I got up early (translation: alarm went off at 8, I dragged my butt outta bed at 8:30), had a shower, and we went to the farmers' market. It was really cool! :) I got a big bag of garden peas for $2, some cinnamon buns for breakfast tomorrow, a strawberry Nutella crepe (was soooo good!), a jar of honey liqueured blueberries, and a bag of caramel popcorn, which was suuuuuuper tasty! It was a nice soft melt-in-your-mouth caramel, and there were nuts mixed in too, very yummy! I'm gonna have to make a batch at home! :)
Then we went back to the house for a bit before heading out again to Chapters. Before heading in to chapter, Deanna, Ayren, and I went geocaching, cuz there were two just across the street. The first one we couldn't find, but the second one we got :)
I got a couple books at Chapters: The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out The Window And Disappeared, and The Secret Lives of Men and Women: A PostSecret Book. Pretty pumped for them both! :)
Man, I bought a lot of books out here! :)
Anyways, after Chapters we stopped at the grocery store for a few things, then came back to the house. I baked a couple pumpkin pies (by request), but they were made with canned pumpkin, and it wasn't MY recipe from home, so they weren't the greatest. They were alright, but not the greatest lol. And Deanna made her jalapeno cheese bread, yuuuuuum!!!!! :D
I stitched some more, actually getting quite a bit done out here :)
For supper we had grilled cheese sammiches (made with the cheese bread) and bacon-wrapped cream-cheese-stuffed jalapeno peppers. They were super good! :D And of course, pie and ice cream for dessert. I put some of the blueberries I got today on my ice cream, it was deeeeeeelish! :)
After dinner, the Scotts played the Big Bang Theory version of Clue, and I stitched away... Then we went downstairs and watched Monty Python's And Now For Something Completely Different. Classic! :)
A couple episodes of Big Bang Theory later, I headed to my room to start packing. Soooo glad I bought another suitcase LOL! I'm pretty much done, just need my PJs, my charging cords, and my morning bathroom stuff.
I'm really sad that I'm leaving... :( The Scotts are so amazing, and I'm going to miss them so much! I already miss them so much!!! :'(
But I am thankful that I've been able to spend these few days with them, with new memories to bring back home. And TWO loaves of jalapeno cheese bread!!!!! :D
I almost hate to admit it too, but I'm actually pretty excited to go back to work. I miss it, I miss the adrenaline during the pushes, and most of all I miss my friends there. It'll be good to be back :)
Tomorrow is Sunday, and so we're off to church. After church I think we're going for lunch at East Side Mario's - they have one here in Red Deer, but not in Winnipeg... WAT.
Then Ian and Deanna offered to drive me down to Calgary airport - how sweet is that!!! :) I did have a Greyhound ticket booked and paid for, but it was only $20, and it'd cost me another $20 just to be able to exchange my ticket for a later date, but that'd be a waste. So I get to spend more time with them, yay!!! :D
So I'm off to bed. My alarm is going off at 9am (8.5 hours), and I should tryyyyy to get some sleep, since I don't seem to be able to sleep the night before I travel... Off to bed! :)
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