Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 8

Today was a great day! :D I woke up about 11:30 haha great start! Got up, showered, grabbed a handful of Honey Nut Cheerios (WIN!), then headed out geochaching. I found five today! :D I also got a good picture of a dragonfly :)

Stopped at the store to pick up a gift for Sam and Mike, then headed back to the house to get ready to head out to Taste of Edmonton. As soon as Sam was home from work, we headed out.

I've never experienced anything like Taste of Edmonton, it was really cool!!! You get there and get tickets, and there's a whole lot of food trucks. Each of the trucks has 2 items they're selling, most for 3 tickets, but some are 4, some are 2.

My two favourite things I had were duck confit tacos, and chicken masala perogies, YUMMMMM!!!!!

We were taking pictures as well by the fountain/wading pool area that was there, and a kind stranger offered to take one of the three of us. Some good ones, I think ;)

There were also two geocaches nearby, so we went on a hunt! The first one was really easy, we found it no problem :) The second one was really tough, we couldn't find it :( But probably for the best, there were a lot of muggles around ;)

We headed back to the house, and we're all just getting ready for bed now. Sleeeeepyyyyyyy.......

Plans for tomorrow, I'm going to head in to West Ed Mall in the morning, do some shopping, then meeting up with Beth for a tour of her workplace, then we're going for dinner :) Looking forward to seeing her! :D

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