Sunday, November 6, 2011

Something New

I love pomegranate juice. Seriously, best juice ever!!! But I've never tried an actual pomegranate fruit. So this morning while grocery shopping with the mom, I broke down and bought one. I must admit, I was a little intimidated by it, simply because it was something new, and I wasn't sure if I would like it or not, and I didn't want to waste it.

So I got home, and in my actual timeline of how my night has gone, it took me FOREVER to get this thing done! But to be fair, I was doing laundry, baking a pumpkin pie and some caramel pumpkin spice mousse tarts AND cinnamon buns! But in between switching/folding laundry and having stuff in the oven, I worked on the pomegranate. Holy crap it has a lot of seeds!!! Which is good I suppose, they'll last longer than say, eating an apple...

I am actually eating them right now while the cinnamon bun dough rises, but I only have another few minutes til I gotta go roll it out...

I am trying to get to the dishes, there's lots to be done... But I just can't stop eating these... Mmmmmmmmm......

It's okay though, once the buns are in the pan, they need to rise for another hour, so I'll get to the dishes before coming back to the computer...

Also accomplished today, I (finally) bought some material to make my own reversible bucket hat! =D Cost me almost $50, but it was for two different patterns and the interfacing that goes in the brim, and I prolly have enough of everything to make two hats. So since I'll have two identical hats, FIRST ONE TO CLAIM THE EXTRA HAT GETS IT!!!!! =D I'll post a picture at the bottom of the materials. They're pretty cute, even my mom likes them lol =)

Okay, off to roll out the dough...


Alright, so dishes are done, cinny buns only have a few minutes left in the oven, smoke detector only went off four five times... Sheesh! The butter at the bottom of the pan went over the sides and onto the element, so yeah, it got kinda smoky in here... But I threw my window open and set up my little fan to blow all the smoke out, so we're all good now =)

Anyways, here are some pictures of my day! =)

New Bed Sheets
New bed sheets for the futon, a couple new 50"x60" blankets ($3.99 each at Jysk!), and the fabric I got at Mitchell's Fabric.

Hat Fabric
A better view of the fabric I'll be using to make my hat. Remember, there'll be (at least) two hats made, first to claim one gets it! =)

Pie and Tarts
Pumpkin pie and caramel pumpkin spice mousse tarts, definitely delicious!!! =)

Pomegranate, about half eaten lol

Dishes Done
Dishes done, yay!!! =D

Cinnamon Buns
Cinny buns ready to go into the oven, yum!

Anywho, that's it for me tonight, it is after 11pm and I gotta work in the morning. I will post recipes another night. Gnight y'all! =)

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